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What we do

We tackle jobs large and small. We can design and implement EDI that’s completely tailored to your business. Or step in to supervise a tricky upgrade. Or get rid of that persistent glitch that keeps everything from working the way it should.

Our consultants have over three decades of experience with manufacturing, retail, telecommunications, logistics, transportation, healthcare, and other data-intensive, time-sensitive industries—so we’re always up to date on best practices. And because 1 EDI Source has over 50,000 trading partner connections, we can take the headaches out of compliance too.

Our specialties:

  • Improved compliance. We can streamline inventory management so you eliminate fees, missed inventory, and chargebacks.

  • Seamless integration. Integrate your EDI with an ERP platform to increase your business efficiencies.

  • Reporting and analytics. We’ll show you how to mine data from your orders and inventory to identify your next trends and opportunities.

  • Encryption and security. Keeping external data transmissions secure.

  • Improved document cycle time. We can maximize the advantages of your EDI to give you the best possible customer service and response times.

Talk to an expert

Why we do EDI better than anyone else

We work with EDI all day, every day. Our consultants come with a toolkit that includes the full range of strategic, technical, and implementation services. Right now, you may need only one or two of those services. But you’ll want a consultant who understands—and knows how to use—all of them.

Your Service Done Your Way

Learn more about our time and money-saving distribution EDI software solutions, and how you can improve your operational efficiencies today!

Contact 1 EDI Source to discuss your project or specific needs.